June 17, 2015

Digital Table: Global Tea Hut April 2015

Welcome to the Digital Table where you are part of a global conversation with tea. Global Tea Hut is a Non-Profit Organization that sends out a sampling of tea, a gift and a special magazine. Everything is brought together by the community to spread the love of tea, Dao and Zen. Join us to discuss the current packet from Global Tea Hut.
  This series was created because the message from Global Tea Hut touched me. It is of my own creation and I receive nothing from them ,but good karma of spreading their message and cause . All past posts can be found under "Digital Table" here

Autumn 2014 "Temple Mist" Green Tea  Wu Liang, Yunnan

    After a little hiatus Digital Table is back with a new set up, let's jump into this packets tea! This time around Global Tea Hut sent the most lovely green tea I have had in a while. It just begged to be brewed but I let the tea rest for two weeks so it could get over its "jet-lag". This lets it get accustomed to its new home and the altitude change.
     After the enough time passed it was finally the wait was over, it was time to brew. The curly leaves offered a light yellow-green liquor with a refreshing minty touch. The smooth vegetal taste had a note that reminded me of cooked broccoli. This tea was relaxing and perfect for a late evening tea before bed or after a morning meditation (or yoga session).

Circle Towards the center by Wu De

 Fluidity while brewing can be a struggle for anyone. As part of the second installment (we are going to revisit the others over the summer) of the five basics of tea brewing series. In the series Wu De covers the 5 pillars of tea brewing are applicable to all tea practices and methods. Wu de mentions that they are the foundation to build on for most practices but bowl tea they are all you need to know.
    Going back to this issues installment, "circle towards the center". This brewing basic seems so simple in writing but it takes a little hand-eye coordination and prior practice.  This brewing tip can be broken down to two motions. First "all movements of the left hand are clock wise and" second,  "all movements of the right hand are counter-clock wise".
  Think of it like the Karate kid who used one hand to "wax on" and "wax off", going in the same pattern as this tip. The reason for using this method is to ensure nothing gets knocked over and so you can have a smooth tea session.
   Everything you have placed on the left side of your tea space will only be held by your left hand. Which the movement flows towards yourself in a clock-wise motion. Then everything on the right side will only be held by your right hand with a movement that flows in a counter-clock wise motion.
   Try this out with objects that are unbreakable to practice this movement. That way if you need more practice or something slips your favorite pot is safe.

Gift: Gaba Baba Chocolate with BABA Tea

 This months gift was this lovely chocolate (which I ate most of before taking photos). I'll admit I was unsure what I was going to get myself into when I noticed that turmeric was an ingredient. After getting over my prior thoughts, I tried it. The turmeric was subtle within the chocolate. Overall the chocolate was just what I needed to sweeten up the end of my day.

Global Tea Hut is a digital community where tea drinkers enjoy the same tea(s) every month across the world. It is subscription based where all the proceeds go towards a non-profit tea center (Tea Sage Hut) in Taiwan that is open to all. For more information on Global Tea Hut and the center please visit them at:

**All opinions are my own and subscription is paid by me, as a donation to the tea center

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