March 14, 2016

Unplugged: 6 Self-help Books for Spiritually Present Life

Unplugged: 6 Self-help Books for Spiritually Present Life ||  Books to get you spiritually focused on the present today. Be present for your tea, life, or just because you are the Spirit Junkie that you are. Rock your world. || Gabrielle Bernstein - May Cause Miracles, Marie Forleo - Make Every Man Want You, Rebecca Campbell - Light is the New Black, Elizabeth Gilbert - Big Magic, A Course in Miracles, Danielle LaPorte - The Desire Map ||
   Sometimes we really need that push to dig deep at what lies beneath the surface. There is so many things that get swept aside as we progress through life that the come back at us as stress which can lead to  anxiety, fear, depression or even an illness.  To work through this jumble of things that have built up the best solution you can do is consult a thought provoking read.
      Who dosen't like a book that provokes change? I have curated a selection of ones that I keep going back to. They are ordered from a read, guide, slight workbook right down to full on out long term spiritual work.
These six books are a great selection of varying types ; from super-deep spiritual life change , then right down to inspiring read.  No matter what your preference there is something for everyone no matter where you are in this moment.

Light is the  New Black by Rebbecca Campbell

  If you are looking for something lightly woo woo (spiritual with no preset religious views) this is a great read. Each section is only about 2-5 pages, great for a just before bed (or before you start your day) read. There is a little bit of suggested thinking, meditation or journaling but not that heavy. You can make it as deep or as light as you need to in the moment ( you can always go back to it latter). If you have ever wondered where the #lightworker tag came from, it is this book.

Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte

   Part book and part workbook; this is the real deal for changing how you go about your day. Danielle makes you focus on what you want to feel and plan your life around them. If you want to be energized, perhaps you take up a cardio class or make changes to your diet to feel that way. These little changes help you filter out those things that just don't make you feel good. This one is great for any planner girls out there. Create the life you feel amazing in, that way down days (or moments) do not overwhelm you.

May Cause Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein

  I adore this guide, there is a small task each day for 40 days. Sometimes its journaling other times its a short meditation ( which can always be as long or short as YOU want). It really opens you up to understanding who you really are and make small changes which can drastically change your life. These little changes range from how you speak to yourself, how you go about your day, your relationship with money, or even those around you. No worries if you miss a day you can just pick back up where you left off. It's a no stress little guide. 

A Course in Miracles

    If you are a fan of either Light is the New Black or any of Gabrielle Bernstein's books, this may be one for you. This is where they got some of their ideas from for their book but elevated to a teacher by  writing their own books. The best way to start is slowly progressing through the student workbook. One lesson a day to make it really simple, latter on progress to reading the "book" and perhaps even progress to reading the teachers guide. It really is a well rounded package for the super Spirit Junkie.

Make Every Man Love You by Marie Forleo

   I have to say this is the best book for anyone looking for a fresh start or "figurine things out". With an open mind it can work for both women and men. The book is a no nonsense guide to a better more present version of you. Marie Forleo is my girl and I love her personality in her videos, which comes through SO well in this book. Try it out and rock out as the goddess you are.

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

  This has to be the biggest book out there at this moment with so much buzz. Creativity is something that is in every aspect of our lives whether we realize it or not.  If you have a passion this is a book for you (this being a must for bloggers)!  Elizabeth Gilbert really helps you along through in a tone that makes it feel like she is there with you helping you along. While this is not truly a self-help book for most people, it still is a must read for everyone.

Have any other suggestions or views on these books? Share them in the comments below or tweet it out over twitter. 

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