September 17, 2015

Think Beyond your tea: Using a Mala for meditation

Using a Mala as part of your meditation before brewing tea could change how you look at your process. Take a note from Sen Genshitsu and take a moment to center yourself before you start to prepare your tea. Mala Collective is located in British Columbia Canada, and they have curated a selection of Bali created malas with an array of intentions. Online Global Mediation for Wold Peace Saturday September 19th with Unify.Org

 It is strange the little things that make our lives that little bit better. Getting a mala helped my life, I find it impossible but it's the same feeling I get from a tea. When you have you when things seem impossible and all things make sense after that last sip (sometimes after a few cups even).  This is the subtle power that this little gen has.

    I have talked before about doing things intentionally (such as planning and living), but you can also have that intention with you in the form of a mala (or gem stone). This mala has green aventurine which Mala Collective says  "The stone is known to protect, activate and clear the heart chakra. Those with heart problems often turn to the stone's healing qualities of strength and stability. Green Aventurine not only encourages regeneration, but is also thought to be a stone of comfort and balance. "

My belief for this that it works in the background, a subtle energy that assists if you let it, but you have to have some faith in it. When I wear this mala , Prana Mala, I feel like there is a little push to get things done. Anything that will push me to achieve something for my greater dream or (at times) pushes me to go seek a friend to talk to. These little things add up over time.

Using a Mala as part of your meditation before brewing tea could change how you look at your process. Take a note from Sen Genshitsu and take a moment to center yourself before you start to prepare your tea. Mala Collective is located in British Columbia Canada, and they have curated a selection of Bali created malas with an array of intentions. Online Global Mediation for Wold Peace Saturday September 19th with Unify.Org
  You may be asking what I use this for other than jewelry. When I have a mantra I want to focus on I use the mala very similarly to how a rosary is used. Each bead is used as a counter, with there being 108 in total. If you have trouble with concentration I find 1-2 rounds of a mala and using "I am calm" helps clear it up.

Taking a simple moment to meditate, such as while your water is boiling, will help you focus on the act you are about to do. It saddens me that this tradition is not part of many tea practices. While reading "Tea Life, Tea Mind" I was reminded by Sen Genshitsu the importance of the importance of taking a moment to center yourself before brewing any tea. It can be by breathing , visualization or even by using a mala.  It's so simple to add to your current routine.

 If you have never meditated before there is a great chance to try it out in the comfort of your own home. Unify has a free Online Global Meditation for World Peace that is happening this weekend.  Starting at 4PM PST/ 7PM EST on Saturday September 19th , the evening will begin with a Premier of a film called "Inner Peace to Global Peace". Then an hour latter will begin the meditation.  It is a great chance to try it out.

 What tools do you use to assist your meditation or tea time?  Share in the comments below.

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