August 14, 2015

Magical Inspiration: Miracles Now Deck

Gabrielle Bernstein's Miracles Now Oracle Card Deck  quick inspiration (or answers) Mala collective gemstones. Add it to your tea or spiritual practice, meditate I don't need to find my purpose will find me
There are days where I have a burning question about a person, situation, thought or even how the day will go. For as long as I can remember I these kinds of things bothered me so much that I worried myself sick. During a bit of my teen years I turned to Tarot cards but I was just looking for quick advice. Flash Forward to this year and the solution was found : Oracle Cards!

   While this is my second deck, I love how simple it is. Every verse is taken from Gabrielle Bernstein's book "Miracles Now".  If you see her book at the library or a book store check it out, as it can be used as a oracle deck too. I love how innovative this deck is, to take a book and create something for little "miracle moments".

Gabrielle Bernstein's Miracles Now Oracle Card Deck  quick inspiration (or answers) Mala collective. Add it to your tea or spiritual practice, meditate I don't need to find my purpose will find me

You may be asking how do you use them. Gabrielle suggests to put your hand over the deck and say " Thank you, divine guidance. I need a Miracle Now. Show me what you've got!".  While I love the line I prefer something quiet (and less embarrassing if someone walks by my room).

   Simply concentrate on what you need guidance for while you shuffle the cards (or mix them around on the floor/bed). Then let your hand  hover over them and wait for a warmth to come to your hand over a card. Take the one that gives off the warmth. This has worked for me each and every time. Try it out and see if this method resonates with you.

 When I was putting together this post I pulled a card ( I was feeling a little nervous about writing another post, it happens a lot). The one I pulled was: "Happiness is a choice I make". It really picked me up (the colours helped too) and I got to work.  I use this deck as part of my spiritual and tea practice. A little motivation goes a long way when you need a touch of guidance. Try it out and meditate on it if you are adding it to your practice.

   Have you used Oracle cards before (this deck or another)? How do you incorporate it into your practice? Share your experience in the comments below!

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