July 20, 2015

Quotable Life Lessons: Let emotions flow to see the sun

    Inspiring quotes can provoke you to set intentions and become closer to your truth. Quotable is a series where thought provoking lines from various sources are brought together and lessons can be learned from each one. 
   Tune in to either set your intention for the week and learn more about yourself to get closer to living in your highest truth. All past posts can be found over on the Quotable series page.

Inspiring quotes can provoke you to set intentions and become closer to your truth. Quotable is a series where thought provoking lines from various sources are brought together and lessons can be learned from each one.  You cry a little, and then you wait for the sun to come out. It always does- Maria in The Sound of Music     Tune in to either set your intention for the week and learn more about yourself to get closer to living in your highest truth. let emotions flow to see the sun
   After two weeks I am finally back with a quotable to get back into the grove here at Tea Journey. Loosing Shuuhei still is tough at times but the necklace I put together with my Mom has helped. This weeks quote I found within my Google Keep account and thought it suited the occasion.
    This quote was from The Sound of Music, Maria was asked what do you do if someone does not love you and replied with it. The situation is different but it sill applies for grief over any kind of loss. Love, family, job loss, stress, and even losing someone.
    When any of those things happen we always feel like its the end of life itself. Asking ourselves how can we go on and what should I do. We can not truly start to see the sun till we let ourselves cry a little. Bottling emotions is bad for the body and causes you more harm than the initial trigger.
     This weeks post is to everyone out there (past present and future) who are going though a tough time in their lives. My heart goes out to you all in hopes that you too see the sun when it comes out. And remember, it always does.

If you are going through something right now (or have in the past), please feel free to share it. We are here for eachother, the internet lets us help eachother out in tough times. Let's share the love and support for each other. Many blessings friends.

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